Thursday, July 30, 2009


"There is only one success- to be able to spend your life in your own way."

HOW???? They are few practical steps to as how....

"Winning starts with beginning"

1. Start by making an inventory of your dreams, the things you want to have, do, be, and share. EXAMPLE (Austin Maws). Education(degree), rugby int. player, get into the media business( actor, model, rapper, producer). Create the people, feelings, and places you want to be part of your life.

2. Go over the list you made, estimating when you expect to reach those outcomes. Six month, 1 year, 2 years, five years, ten years, twenty years. It is helpful to see what sort of a time frame you are operating on.

3. Pick out the four most important goals for you for this year. Things you most committed to, excited about, things that would give you the most satisfaction.

4. Review your goals. Are they sensory specific? Do they have evidence procedure? Describe what you will feel when you achieve these goals, in notes.

5. Make a list of the important resources you already have at disposal. When you begin a construction project, you need to know which tools you have. To construct an empowering vision of the future, you need to do the same thing.

6. Now try to focus in on the time you use some of those resources most skillfully. Come up with three to five times in your life when you where totally successful.

7. After you have done all that, describe the kind of person you would have to be to attain your goals. Will it take a great deal of discipline, a great deal of education.

8. Write down few of the things that prevent you from having the things you desire most right now. One way to overcome the limitations you have created is to know exactly what they are.

9. Now take some time to write a step by step plan on how to achieve it.

10. Now come up with some models that inspire you and copy them. People from your family or famous people who have achieved great success. As we discussed in our previous topics about modeling our lives....




CEO... Guys I want each member to put down all your email adds. You can do this by commenting on the current topic "What do you Want"

Shelby said...

oh Austin! Very very good! lol I might have to do that.....but it takes alot of thinking :P And you know you me hahaha


Yes- thinking is probably the hardest thing to do, that's why few people engage in it. I know you have what it takes. If you ever get lost, am always here. watch out for more posts. God bless you. Austin Maws.

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